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Please select your Prepay 10 Package from the drop down menu below -- Choose your Prepay Package --PREPAY 1-HR SHOOT VIDEO + FREE PHOTO COMBOPREPAY 2-HR SHOOT VIDEO + FREE PHOTO COMBO
[group group-1hrvp clear_on_hide]
YOUR PAYMENT DETAILS Payments can be made by internet banking to the following account: Moving Films Limited ANZ Acct No.: 06-0294-0214038-00 Particulars: School Name Code: PP1HRVP Reference: Your PO# If you'd like to pay your deposit by credit card, click button below (following surcharges apply): NZ credit card 1.9% + 30c Intl credit card 2.9% + 30c
YOUR ORDER DETAILS PREPAY 1-HR SHOOT VIDEO + FREE PHOTO COMBO Videographer + Photographer 45sec social media video Licensed soundtrack 30+ hi-res edited images 2 days proof edit and online gallery delivery Final edit delivery via Dropbox download link Any extra add-ons, city carparking, travel or accommodation will be billed separately per shoot Cost per shoot: Usually $1200+gst, your price $650+gst Total cost for Prepay 10 Shoots: $6500+gst See acceptance below for full terms and conditions
[group group-2hrvp clear_on_hide]
YOUR PAYMENT DETAILS Payments can be made by internet banking to the following account: Moving Films Limited ANZ Acct No.: 06-0294-0214038-00 Particulars: School Name Code: PP2HRVP Reference: Your PO# If you'd like to pay your deposit by credit card, click button below (following surcharges apply): NZ credit card 1.9% + 30c Intl credit card 2.9% + 30c
YOUR ORDER DETAILS PREPAY 2-HR SHOOT VIDEO + PHOTO COMBO Videographer + Photographer 60sec highlight/promo video Licensed soundtrack 60+ hi-res edited images 3 days proof edit and online gallery delivery Final edit delivery via Dropbox download link Any extra add-ons, city carparking, travel or accommodation will be billed separately per shoot Cost per shoot: Usually $1300+gst, your price $750+gst Total cost for Prepay 10 Shoots: $7500+gst See acceptance below for full terms and conditions
Any notes or messages to add
Click to accept on behalf of The Client Yes, I have read and accept the package pricing as set out above. I understand that extras including add-ons, travel and accommodation will be added to final invoice for payment. Yes, I have read and accept the terms and conditions as per this link and acknowledge that these apply to any entities associated with us but not listed. We jointly and severally acknowledge that all clauses within this agreement are accepted without exception.
By clicking the acceptance check boxes above and submitting this form, you are accepting all parts of this agreement and all terms and conditions.